Here is the latest Federal Legislation relating to structured settlements, Medicare Secondary Payer and Worker's Compensation settlements: Federal Legislation and Regulation: S. 3079, the “Medicare Secondary Payer and Worker’s Compensation Settlement Agreements Act of 2018,” is legislation introduced in the Senate by Senator Rob Portman, R-Ohio and Senator Bill Nelson, D-Florida that would negatively impact the use of structured settlements to settle Worker’s Compensation cases with CMS utilizing a Medicare Set-aside Account. The NSSTA Legs & Regs Committee is working on drafting detailed talking points for industry use on Capitol Hill to persuade Senators Portman and Nelson to drop this legislative initiative. The NSSTA Legs & Regs Committee plans to produce a report for members on S. 3079 and include the report in an upcoming edition of NSSTA News. Federal Tax Reform Legislation—Part II: While there is considerable interest among major key Republican M...