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Showing posts from 2017


W hen I started in the Structured Settlements business almost twenty years ago we donated a “BBQ / day at our farm” as an auction item for the Michigan Trial L awyers Association  (MTLA), now known as the Michigan Association for Justice (MAJ), auction . An attorney who was working at a very big name firm at the time purchased our “BBQ/Day at Our Farm”, I still don't know how much she paid for it.  H er and her entire family came over on a Saturday for the barbecue. She has three daughters right around the same ages as ours. It just so happened that t hey had closed down some of the bridges over I 94 to work on them during this time.  I t was a very hot and dry summer and our dirt road was very dusty. R ight when our guests arrived at the farm huge semi-trucks and tons of traffic started flying down our street kicking up all kinds of dust.  I was mortified! I thought the party was going to be an absolute disaster and that our guests would hate us because...

Michigan Structured Settlements

We have over 20 years of experience helping Michigan plaintiff attorneys and their clients achieve peace of mind and their life goals by providing financial planning and structured settlement annuity consulting. We meet with clients face to face at their convenience in their homes or attorneys office. We get to know their hopes, dreams and fears so we can help them craft the best financial plan inducing a structured settlement annuity if appropriate. (734) 433-1670 Michigan Structured Settlements

Structured Settlement Trusts

Many clients know us for providing leading edge structured settlement and financial advisory services to Michigan's plaintiff attorneys and their clients for almost 20 years. However, many may not know that we also provide a full suite of Trust and investment services as well including: Trust Types: First Party Special Needs Trusts Third Party Special Needs Trusts Settlement Management Trusts Minors Trusts Trust Services Offered: Set Up Administration Investment Management We have established trusted relationships with many of the most experienced and best trust companies in the country and can act as your point person for all your client's trust needs. Please contact us at (734) 433-1670 or if you have any questions or need anything. Structured Settlements Michigan, Trust Services, Plaintiff Focused Structured Settlement Services Michigan  


This week I was contacted by the father of a young man, let’s call the young man Joe who is age 20.  Joe had suffered a traumatic brain injury as the result of an auto accident and had received a settlement of $50,000.  Joe’s father was concerned because Joe had already blown through half his settlement in a month due to his discovery of cocaine, which some new “friends” he was spending a lot of time with introduced him to. Joe’s father had heard of something called a Structured Settlement, which he thought may help preserve the remainder of Joe’s settlement from being squandered.  Structured Settlements are a financial vehicle which have been around since the 1980’s that facilitate receiving a legal settlement with interest income tax free over time and can sometimes have benefits over receiving the settlement all at once in a lump sum, as in this case. Joe’s father contacted me because my firm, White House Settlement Consulting that I founded in 2001, has...

Lien Resolution Seminar

We had the pleasure of being a host at the recent Lien Resolution Workshop at the MSU Education center in Troy.

New Structured Settlement Products!

It was great connecting with many of our friends at the recent Michigan Association for Justice Auto Negligence Workshop at the Dearborn Inn. It was also very exciting to let everyone know about the new structured settlement products we are able to offer, which allow the use of equity based investments for claimant's recoveries and structuring attorney's fees.  These new products even allow the claimant or attorney to use the investment adviser of their choice to manage the investments! Please contact us  at (734) 433-1670 or for more information on these new innovative products!

ATV Accident

We were recently engaged on a case by one of our plaintiff attorney clients.  The case involved a young lady who was severely injured in an ATV accident when she was in high school.  She is currently 19 years old. There was a facilitation in the case where she was presented with structured settlement proposals by the defendant insurer's structured settlement broker.  These proposals only confused the young lady because they had nothing to do with her actual goals and financial needs.  We met with her and her mother at their home and crafted a customized financial plan that included both structured settlement annuity and other investment vehicles to secure both her short and long term financial needs.  We were very happy to be able to help  this young lady and her family by taking some of the confusion and worry out of her future!

Title IX Cases and Structured Settlements

Perhaps g iven possible changes in federal enforcement of Title IX and the Clery Act under the Trump Administration we have been seeing a lot of activity in these types of cases.   Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities which receive federal financial assistance. Many of these cases involve minors so the use of Structured Settlements is often discussed and used to settle these cases. We find that even in the cases of sexual abuse cases that many attorneys are not aware that most of these cases are "non-qualified" type cases.  This means that most of them do not qualify under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 104(a)(2), which makes the interest accrued in structured settlements income tax free in the case of physical injury damages.  If there were physical injuries as well then the entire structured settlement, including interest would be income tax free.  However, this is a VERY...


We had a great time seeing our old and meeting new friends at the Michigan Association for Justice (MAJ) Annual Conference at the Book Cadillac Hotel in Downtown Detroit last week! We help injury victims and their attorneys achieve financial freedom through financial planning and structured settlement services.


Are You and Your Clients Compliant? Th is m o n t h C M S p ub li s h e d M a t te r # MM 9 893 , d a te d F e b r u ary 3 , 2 01 7 w i t h a n ef f e c t ive d a t e o f Oc tobe r 1 , 201 7 , r e l a t i n g t o t h e i m p lem e nt a t i o n o f Lia b i li t y M SAs ( “L M S A”) a n d N o Fa u lt M SAs ( “ N F M SA” ). Th e N o t i c e s t a te s t h at i n o r d er t o c o m p ly w i t h t h e G o v e r n m e n t A cc o u nt a b i li t y O f f i c e ( "GA O ") f i n al r e p o rt o n t h e M e d i c are Se c o nd ary P a y e r ( “ M S P ”) P r o gr a m t o i m p r o ve p r o gr a m effe c t iv en ess f o r N on- G r ou p H e al t h P l a n s, C M S w ill e s t a b li s h t w o ( 2 ) ne w s et- asi d e p r o c e ss e s: a Lia b ili t y I n s u r a n c e M ed i c are S e t- As i d e A r ra n g e me n t ( L M SA ) , a n d a N o - Fa u l t I n s u ra n c e M e d i c are Se t- As i d e A rra n g e m e...