In this video White House Financial & Settlement Consulting founder and Managing Director talks about a recent fee only financial plan the firm did for a young couple and some of the issues we helped them with such as debt reduction, prioritizing their saving and spending, education savings planning and survivor protection using term life insurance. White House Financial & Settlement Consulting is a fee-only, comprehensive financial planning firm dedicated to helping our clients live easier and less stressful lives through the proper management of their financial resources. White House Financial & Settlement Consulting LLC COMPREHENSIVE - CLIENT FOCUSED - FINANCIAL ADVICE 114 South Main Street • Suite 200 • Chelsea, Michigan 48118 • Phone: (734) 433-1670 • Fax: (734) 433-1671
White House Financial & Settlement Consulting, LLC helps families live an easier and less stressful life through the achievement of their financial goals by providing comprehensive, fee-only, client focused financial advice and exceptional service.